what is a “let” in badminton?

what is a "let" in badminton?

Badminton rules | up to engagement 2019

Badminton rules
Badminton rules

The badminton rules are pretty simple. Enough to empathize the basic aspects of the rules of badminton on notbadminton.com and you will be fix to get-go playing!

Forth badminton history, official badminton organization (BWF) put rules to regulate Badminton game, equally the size of badminton court, badminton net peak, badminton dissonance measurements, badminton score, badminton rules for singles, badminton rules for doubles and fouls in badminton.

Notbadminton will try to simplify all badminton rules and go far articulate to badminton lovers.

size of badminton court

According to the rules, the size of a badminton courtroom is 13.twoscore x 6.ten g for a doubles game and thirteen.twoscore ten v.18 1000 for a unmarried.

Size of badminton courtroom in feet is44 ft x 20 ft for doubles and 44 ft ten 17 ft for single games.

The court should be marked with twoscore mm wide lines.

The lines marking the court should exist easily distinguishable, preferably white or yellow.

All lines are part of the areas of the field that they limit.

Badminton net height

The net is the barrier that separates the field of badminton betwixt a player and his opponent, which is composed of longitudinal and transverse cords fabricated from nylon, cotton or plastic.

The upper edge of the net should be at a height of 1.55 m (five ft 1 inch) from the court surface at the edges and ane.524 m (five ft) in the center.

According to the badminton rules by BWF, the internet should be made of a thin cord of dark color and the same thickness, with cells from 15 x xv mm to 20 x 20 mm.

See also: How to set up badminton court at your backyard?


Badminton shuttlecock  or birdie is the brawl of the badminton game, which is made of 16 goose feathers, arranged to form an open up cup, and a half-spherical base made of a rubber foam cloth.

According to the rules, the shuttle can exist fabricated from natural and (or) constructed materials.

Regardless of the cloth, the flying characteristics of the shuttlecock should be close to those obtained from a natural feather shuttlecock with a cork stopper head coated with a sparse skin.

a. Plumage shuttlecock:

  1. The shuttle shall be equanimous of 16 feathers, stock-still in the caput.
  2. The feathers should be the same length: from 62 mm to 72 mm, which is measured from the tip of the pen to the top of the caput.
  3. The ends of the feathers should form a circle with a bore of 58 – 68 mm.
  4. Feathers should be firmly fastened with thread or other suitable material.
  5. The head should be 25 – 28 mm in diameter, rounded down.
  6. A shuttle should have a weight of four.74 – 5.50 grams.

b. synthetic shuttlecock:

  1. Natural feathers are replaced with a simulator made of synthetic material.
  2. The head must meet the requirements for feather shuttlecocks.
  3. The size and weight of the shuttle should comply with the requirements for plume shuttlecocks.
    However, in view of the departure in density and characteristics of synthetic materials from natural ones, deviations from the indicated values ​​up to 10% are allowed.

Provided that the overall design, speed and flight paths remain unchanged, national federations of countries may allow the use of other types of shuttlecocks, when the atmospheric climatic conditions or the height of the terrain higher up sea level practise non allow the utilize of a standard shuttlecock.

Badminton dissonance

Badminton racket is used to hit the shuttlecock to the opponent's field. It is composed of a head with strings, a stick (shaft), a handle and a articulation between the frame and the stick.

The frame of the racket should not exceed 680 mm in length and 230 mm in width.

a. Racket head:

  1. It must be flat and consist of segments of intersecting strings, alternately intertwined at the intersection points; it should exist generally homogeneous and, in detail, no less frequent in the centre than in other places.
  2. It should be no more than 280 mm in length and 220 mm in width, however, the strings can be extended through an area that otherwise relates to an adapter, provided that:

a) This segment is not more than 35 mm in width.
b) The total length of the string surface will not exceed 330 mm.

b. Racket frame:

  1. Must be gratis of attached objects and protrusions, except those used specifically to limit or prevent wear and tear of the strings, or vibration, or to change the balance, or to adhere the handle to the player's hand, and which accept adequate sizes and locations for these goals;
  2. Must be costless of whatever devices that would arrive possible for the actor to significantly change the configuration of the racket.

Toss in badminton

Before the match, the describe is held; the winning party may choose between:

  1. Serve or accept feed;
  2. Start the game on one side or the other.

The side that lost the toss, later on that, makes the remaining choice.

Badminton score rules

  • A match must consist of a maximum of 3 games, unless otherwise specified.​
  • The game is won by the role player who first scored 21 points.​
  • The side that won the rally counts a signal. A party may win the rally if the opponent (s) make a error or if the shuttle is out of the game past touching the surface of the courtroom on the opponent's side (southward).​
  • With a score of "xx–twenty," the side that start picks up the two-betoken divergence wins the game.​
  • With the score "29-29", the side that wins the 30th indicate wins the game.​
  • The side that wins the game is the first to submit in the next game.​

Rules of switching sides

Players must switch sides:

  1. At the finish of the first game.
  2. Before the start of the tertiary game (if needed).
  3. In the third game, when one of the parties scores 11 points.

In accord with the rules of badminton, if the moment of switching sides is missed, the change is made immediately, upon detection of this, and the account existing at that moment is preserved.

Badminton serving rules

Serving in badminton has a specific rules that regulate it. So if yous are asking "How to serve in badminton?", yous should be aware of the following rules to play a right serve:

  1. Neither side should allow an excessive delay in the execution of the service when the server and the receiving party are ready to serve. Any delay in moving the noise forward while filing should be considered an mistake (foul);​
  2. The server and the receiver must stand up within their fields in a diagonal system, without touching the lines bounding these fields;​
  3. Any part of both the feet of the server and the receiver must remain in contact with the surface of the courtroom in a stock-still position from the first of the service until the delivery;
  4. The server's racket should initially hitting the shuttle'south caput;
  5. The whole shuttle must be below the server's waist when the racket hits information technology. The waistline is an imaginary line around the body, passing at the level of the lower point of the lower rib of the server;
  6. The center of the server's racket, at the moment of hitting the shuttle, must be directed clearly downwards;
  7. The thespian'due south racket's motility should keep just forrard from the offset of the service until its completion;
  8. The flight of the shuttle shall exist directed along the ascending line from the noise of the server before it crosses the grid, and so that if information technology is not reflected, it falls into the appropriate field of supply (that is, within or on the lines bounding it);​
  9. The server should non miss the shuttlecock.

When the players take their positions, the first forward movement of the player'southward racket head is the beginning of the service.

The server must not serve until the receiver has prepared, simply the latter should be considered ready to receive if he made an attempt to repel the shuttle.

In double games, at the fourth dimension of submission, the partners of the server and the receiver can have any position that does not block the appearance of the receiver or the server of the opposite side.

Badminton rules for singles

Serving & receiving rules

  1. Players must serve (and receive) from their right-serving pitch when the server has no points or has an even number of points in this game.
  2. Players must serve (and receive) from their left-serving field when the server has an odd number of points in this game.

Scoring rules

  1. If the server wins the rally, he is awarded a point. Then he once more starts serving from the other field.
  2. If the receiver wins the game, a betoken is awarded to him. Then the receiver becomes the new server.

Badminton rules for doubles

Serving & receiving rules

  1. Players of the serving side must serve from their right-sided courtroom when the serving side has no points or has an even number of points in this game.
  2. Players of the serving side must serve from their left-serving field when the serving side has an odd number of points in this game.
  3. The player of the receiving party, who served last, remains on the aforementioned field from which he served.
  4. The player of the receiving team, which is diagonally reverse to the field of the server, must be the receiver. The other player should not touch the shuttlecock.
  5. Players must not change their respective field until they win a signal when serving.

Scoring rules

  1. If the serving side wins, the point is awarded to them. And then they kickoff to serve again.
  2. If the receiving party wins the rally, a bespeak is awarded to them and they become the new servers.

Serving errors

Errors happened if the player:

  1. serves or receives out of order.
  2. serves or receives from the wrong court.

Violations "Fouls"

In this department, yous will know "what is a mistake in badminton" or "what is a let in badminton".

Violation ("foul") occurs if:

  1. Serving is not performed according to the rules;
  2. At the time of serving, the shuttlecock :
    • Falls into the internet and hang on its upper edge;
    • Flies over the internet and stuck in it; or
    • In double games, the not-receiver histrion hit the shuttle.
  3. During the game, the shuttlecock :
    • Falls off the court;
    • Wing through or under the net;
    • Touches the ceiling or walls of the hall;
    • Touches the torso or clothes of the player or
    • Touches whatsoever object or person in close proximity to the court;
      (If necessary according to the terms of the construction of the building, the local conducting organization may establish special conditions in the event that the shuttle touches the obstruction);
    • Is caught and detained on a racket, and so thrown when making a strike;
    • Is played twice in succession by the same thespian with two strokes. Notwithstanding, it is not considered a fault if the shuttle hits the caput and string surface of the racket with one blow;
    • Is played by the player and his partner in sequence.
  4. During the game, the player:
    • Touches the internet with a racket, torso or wearing apparel;
    • Invades the opponent'due south side over the net with a dissonance or body. The striker, however, may accompany the shuttle with a racket over the net in the management of impact if the racket's initial contact with the shuttle was on the striker'due south side;
    • Invades the opponent'southward side under the net with a racket or trunk and so that information technology interferes with the opponent or distracts him or
    • Interferes with the opponent;
    • Intentionally distracting the opponent by whatever actions, for example, by shouts or gestures.


"Controversial" is announced past the judge on the belfry or the player (if there is no judge on the belfry) to finish the game.

"Controversial" should be appointed if:

  1. The server hit the shuttlecock before the receiver is set to receive;
  2. Both players break the rules at the same fourth dimension;
  3. During the game, the shuttlecock:
    • Claw onto the net and hang on its upper border;
    • Is destroyed and the head is completely separated from the rest of the shuttle.
  4. Co-ordinate to the gauge on the tower, the game was interrupted or the actor was distracted by the opponent's autobus;
  5. The line approximate did not see, and the gauge on the tower is not able to make his determination, or
  6. In any unexpected or accidental situation.

If "controversial" is designated, the rally is non counted since the terminal serve, and the player who submitted this serve must play once again.

General badminton rules and regulations

Continuity of the game

Co-ordinate to the rules of badminton, the game must continue from the start serve to the finish of the match, excluding breaks and temporary stops of the game.


  1. No more than 60 seconds during each game when the score of either side reaches eleven points;
  2. No more 120 seconds betwixt the first and 2nd game, and between the 2nd and third game.

Fourth dimension to end the game:

  1. When there are circumstances beyond the control of the players as badminton injury, the tower judge may break the game for some times according to his view.
  2. In special cases, the Master Justice may suggest that the judge on the tower append the game.
  3. If the game is suspended, the achieved score must be saved and the game must be resumed from this account.

Delay in the game:

  1. The game should not be suspended in guild to let the role player to regain strength or jiff, or to get communication;
  2. The judge on the belfry is the merely judge who has the right to suspend the game.

Players are not allowed to:

  1. Intentionally cause a delay or suspension of the game;
  2. Deliberately alter the shape of the shuttle to change the speed of its flight;
  3. Behave insultingly;
  4. Commit unsportsmanlike actions, not provided for in the Badminton Rules.
  5. get advice during the match except when the shuttle is out of the game.
  6. leave the courtroom during a match without the permission of the tower judge, with the exception of breaks.

what is a "let" in badminton?

Posted by: stpierrewiters.blogspot.com

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